Sponsoring Medical Expenses for the daughter of a Dharmic worker
Shri. Eswaran is a dharmic worker of the highest order. He is an assistant at the Mukthi Karma Sthala – a place meant to perform the final rites of people – in Ullagaram, Chennai.
His daugther Nandini is suffering from 4th stage cancer and have been able to almost cure the child completely.
The treatment has involved 8 cycles and the cost for each such cycle costs Rs. 75,000.
The injection per cycle costs Rs. 75,000 and only 2 cycles are remaining.
The child is undergoing treatment at the Adyar Cancer Institute. We will look to support atleast one cycle of their treatment via our platform.
Those who can follow Tamil, please listen to the video by Bramashri. Bharaneedhara Sastrigal who kindly referred this to us.