

Frequently asked questions

A crowd funding platform that connects well-minded donors with Dharma-kartas . It is 

  1.  Not for profit
  2. Only for activities that further Santana Dharma or Hinduism
  3. A connecting platform that connect genuine causes with donors


Sethubandhanam has been founded by two professionals with the only intent of furthering our dharma by helping genuine causes.  

Broadly anything that would further Sanatana Dharma (but non-personal). For instance preservation of vedas, conservation of cows, supporting temples and activities in them, nurturing Samskrit, vedic research and conservation projects, activities supporting vaidhekas are a few instances of activities that will be featured on Sethu Bandhanam. 

We prefer picking only very deserving causes that don’t have the access to raise basic funds.

Yes – provided the cause for which funds are being sought are able to satisfy the following

  1. Appear legitimate to the administrators of the website
  2. The fund-seeking dharmakartas are prepared to share any paperwork required (such as registration certificates, PAN, bank details) 
  3. Are clearly related to fostering dharmic Hindu activities. 

All the fund-seeking activities will be screened and only then posted on the platform. 

Sethubandhanam will not feature those campaigns that don’t appear to be legitimate. Sethubandhanam will ensure that all of the funds raised on this platform reach the donors. 

Further, Sethubandhanam will update all the contributors about progress and proceeds of the funds. 

We are an independent privately run non-profit initiative. Details about the team and the people associated with the initiative can be found here

Sethubandhanam Welfare Foundation – is a Section-8 Company (non profit) with a License under section 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013.  It is a non-profit organization (like a trust) but is a lot more professionally run. Further trusts are non-profits registered with the state government whilst Section-8 companies are registered with the central government. 

It is similar to a Trust or Society in spirit, with enhanced credibility. 

The website is a part of Sethubandhanam Welfare Foundation – is a Section-8 Company (non profit) with a License under section 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013

Yes. Your receipt will be instantly generated online after the donation. It will also be emailed to you for your records. 

We will not  issue physical receipts or send them via post for 2 reasons: 

  1. Online receipts are instant, eco-friendly, as valid as offline receipts and can be printed if required. 
  2. Sethubandhanam is operated by two working professionals who would devote their time in helping more causes that further our dharma instead of handling administrative work. The very reason why the entire process has been automated. 

We only accept online donations. 

We have automated (computerized) the entire donation lifecycle – i.e. making a donation and obtaining a receipt is almost instant. 

Sethubandhanam is a non-profit that is run by two working professionals. We would like to devote all our time and attention to helping deserving causes that further our dharma than on book-keeping. 

still have questions?

Feel free to contact us to get your queries answered.