
sethubandhanam welfare foundation

Our spirit of being a non-profit to foster our Dharma has been furthered with this move. Sethubandhanam has been registered as a Section-8 Non-Profit Organization with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under the Companies Act 2013. 

We launched Sethubandhanam in 2020 to help dharmakarthas across India scale their reach to funds. The overwhelming response we have received from asthikas across the board has encouraged us to formalize this further. We have improved the donation experience further to help our donors contribute towards various dharmic causes in India. 

Our commitment to our patrons remains the same: 

  1.  We value every Rupee of your hard-earned money. Your donations will only go to the causes you choose. 
  2. You will have all the information – where, what, why, and how much for every donation you make. 
  3. You will receive instant acknowledgements of your donations through our online receipting system. 
  4. Every cause listed on our website is a genuine deserving cause and your donation will only go towards it. 


A complete donation experience

Features to make your donation experience seamless

Donate online

Donate using credit/debit cards, UPI, Internet banking and all popular online donation methods in India.

Instant Receipts

As soon as your donation is made you will receive a receipt to your email address which can also be downloaded instantly as pdf.

recurring donations

Setup an automatic donation on special days like your birthday or a regular monthly, quarterly or annual donation of your choice

gift a donation

A donation towards a dharmic cause makes a great gift to one of our loved ones. Dedicate your donations to a loved one and send them an email too.

fostering dharma

Our Focus Areas

Veda Patasala Paripalana

This involves supporting the sustenance and very basic needs of Vedapatasalas across the country. 

Swadharma Paripalana

Financially supporting individuals involved in Dharmic activities (the custodians of our Samskriti) such as Vaidikas, Pujaris, Gurukkals, Pujakars, Archakas, Nadaswara Vidwans, Paricharakas etc in times of need. 

Devaalaya Paripalana

Supporting renovation, consecration efforts of temples, and also nithya-poojas in many temples of dharmic significance but neglected.

Dakshina Bharatha Goh-Samrakshana

Supporting gho-shalas across South India for sustenance and rescues of cows from slaughter.  

Compliant And convenient

Our Commitment to Compliance

  • Ensure that your donation will Only go to the cause you choose. 
  • Compliant with all the rules of a non-profit as mandated by the Govt. of India. 
  • We are not authorized to accept payments from outside India. Our present online payment mechanism takes care of it. 

Online and Convenient

  • Instant online donations and receipting for your records. 
  • We ONLY  accept online payments and issue only online receipts. 

About Sethubandhanam

Sethu Bandhanam is a platform to connect well-minded donors to dharmakartas in need of funds. India (bharata-desha) is a land of great ancient treasure with Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) as its founding stone. All over India various dharmic activities take place through the year – all of which require funds. The intent of this web-platform is to bring all well-minded donors on one platform to ensure that all many dharmic activities receive the funds they require to be realized. Sethu-bandhanam is a non-profit platform that exists with the only intent of furthering dharma and dharmic activities in India. It will focus and feature only those activities that will further Sanatana Dharma.

Sethu Bandhanam, which means a joining bridge is exactly what this web-platform is. It serves as a conduit between well-minded recipients and donors. Sethubandhanam is a part of the Sethubandhanam Welfare Foundation – a non-profit registered with the central government – the most credible form of non-profits registered in India ( Section-8 licensed)