
Help renovate Veda Patasala, Gohshalaa run by agnihothri in Nerur Shankara Mutt

₹18,353 of ₹1 lakh raised


Shri Shankara Matham has been functioning at Nerur, Karur Dt, near the Mahasamadhi of Shri Sadashiva Brahmendra, since at least the 1960s when Jagadguru Shri Chandrashekharendra Sarasvati Shankaracharya Swamigal visited this kshetra.

The buildings were very old and in their place new buildings were constructed in commemoration of the Sahasra Chandra Darshana of Jagadguru Shri Jayendra Sarasvati Shankaracharya Swamigal during 2010~14.

An Agnihotri Vidvan Shriramana Sharma has been residing here and teaching Veda Shastra-s to students along with continuing research into the same. There is also a Goshala with around 25 cows and calves.

The Shankara Matham also hosts monthly Veda Parayana programmes at the sannidhi of Shri Sadashiva Brahmendra and annual Tula month Vedanta Upanyasa-s which have been broadcasted on their Youtube channel 

Since it’s 10 years since the construction, various building repair works need to be conducted and the building given a fresh coat of paint. It is estimated that a total of ₹2.5 lakhs are required for these repair works.

We will start with a campaign of 1 lakh.

Significance of this cause

This cause is multiple causes rolled into one. By just supporting this one renovation you will be contributing towards: 

  1. Veda Samrakshanam as this building houses a veda patasala
  2. Gho Samrakshanam, as there is a gho-shaala with 25 cows
  3. Swadharma Paripaalana – Nithya Agnihothri Brahmashri Ramana Sharma and his family reside here. 
  4. Supporting a 2500+ year old Guru parampara – it is the Shankara Mutt at Nerur. The Moolamnaya Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam is 2500 years old and this is its Nerur Shaaka. 
  5. Supporting Vedic Reasearch – Nithya Agnihotri Brahmashri Shri Ramana Sharma is one of the most awe-inspiring vaidikas you will ever meet. His penchant for Vedic research is indeed unique and something that can help inspire and create a generation of scientific Vedic scholars. 

Brahmashri Shriramana Sharma as mentioned is one of the most awe-inspiring beings we will ever come across. He is one of the very few who can be a part of a traditional Vedic panchanga Sadas and also write a computer simulation on astronomical subjects. We have heard of Applied educational courses (such as applied mathematics) – ones that focus on practical application of concepts. Shriramana Sharma can be termed an applied Vedic researcher as well, besides being one of the most respected adherents of Swadharma! 

To illustrate this, here is a video simulation he did to illustrate the effect of Rahu on the declination of the moon. On one of the images on the right the patasala students are being taught a similar exercise on the aayanas. 

To support this cause is our duty. 



Anonymous User


₹1,200.00 15th September 2024
Anonymous User


₹1,000.00 9th September 2024
Anonymous User


₹150.00 4th September 2024
Anonymous User


₹501.00 2nd September 2024
Anonymous User


₹501.00 20th August 2024
Anonymous User

Ravikumar C

₹5,000.00 17th August 2024
Anonymous User

Karthik N

₹10,001.00 11th August 2024