
Veda Patasala in chennai requires monthly support

₹60,102 of ₹60,000 raised


A Yajur Veda Patasala in Mylapore, Chennai, that houses 15 vidhyarthis (students) along have requested for support. We are told by Shri. Chandru Ganapatigal that 2 new students have joined the patasala. 

They require financial support to make ends meet and alleviate them from this financial crunch. They had requested support to manage the entire patasala. Now thanks to improved situation they are looking for support to pay their monthly electricity bills & the cooking expenses. This campaign will focus on generating funds to provide consistent monthly support for these true custodians of our Sanatana Dharma. 

Please listen to this video by Shri. Gopala Ganapatigal from the patasala who speaks about the patasala. 

Significance of this cause

Veda Samarakshnam is one of the foremost duties of the society. The prime purpose of study of Vedas is Loka kshemartam (well-being of the world). While tomes have been written extolling the Vedas and the need for preservation of the same in our Dharma, protecting those who sacrifice their lives to study the vedas is our duty in every right. 

In the older times, kings and the entire society considered it their duty to protect those who study they Vedas.

Unfortunately, we as a society have failed to impress upon ourselves that this is the highest forms of education. One that involves atleast 12 years of study of the most evolved of subjects. It is an education which students undertake with no assurances of a well-being for the life of a Vaidika is one of regimen and sacrifice.  All these children have the easier option of taking up mainstream education, earn degrees and thereby an assured livelihood. 

But they have chosen to study the Vedas and they should be supported, extolled and revered by our entire society. While that clearly is not the case, the least we can do is ensure that Veda Patasalas financially well-provided to.

Kindly request our donors to contribute towards this very important cause. 

Details of this campaign

This campaign which will be run every month looks to generate to meet the operational expenses of the patasala that has now borne the impact of the lockdown as well. There are 10 students in the patasala besides the Vedic pundits.  The patasala requires  ₹18,500 per month towards: 

  • Cooking expenses (including salary): ₹15,000
  • Electricity expenses:  ₹3500

We will now be raising funds on a quarterly basis to assist the patasala

donors for this cause

Anonymous User


₹1,500.00 1st June 2024
Anonymous User

Indhu Muthukrishnan

₹3,500.00 10th May 2024
Anonymous User

Madanagopal Ramachandran

₹20,000.00 4th May 2024
Anonymous User


₹1,000.00 3rd May 2024
Anonymous User


₹3,500.00 1st May 2024
Anonymous User

Venkataramanan b

₹10,001.00 20th April 2024
Anonymous User

Venkataramani k

₹1,500.00 14th April 2024
Anonymous User

Vinodh Padmanaban

₹500.00 2nd March 2024
Anonymous User


₹101.00 16th February 2024
Anonymous User

Ravi Radhakrishnan

₹10,000.00 25th January 2024
Anonymous User

Radhakrishnan Dharmarajan

₹3,500.00 24th January 2024
Anonymous User

Sivakumar G

₹5,000.00 22nd January 2024