(1) TRISHAHASRAAGNI YUKTA VYUDHA POUNDAREEKA YAAGAM by Dendukuri Venkat Satya Narayana Mahagnichith Vajapeya Yajwa
The Trishahasraagni Yukta Vyudha Poundareeka Yaagam is an elaborate Soma Yaga to be conducted by Dendukuri Venkat Satya Narayana Mahagnichith Vajapeya Yajwa under the guidance of Sroutha Samrat Maha Mahopadhyaya Brahmasri Sundara Rama Vajapeya Yajulu Garu from 11th February 2025 for 32 days at Pattiseema near River Godavari. The Yajamana has previously performed 10 Soma Yagas, making this his 11th Soma Yaga. This Yaga is considered one of the grandest in the Kali Yuga, having been performed by Lord Rama during Rama Rajya. The Yaga will include Trishahasra Ishtakas (3000 bricks) arranged in the form of Garuda, followed by Sri Rudram (Shatarudriyam) and Vasordhara (Chamakam).
With the divine grace of Jagadguru Shankaracharyas, Brahmasri Dendukuri Sadaashiva Somayaaji, elder son of Brahmasri Dendukuri Lakshmi Narasimha Somayaaji and grandson of Brahmasri Dendukuri Agnihotra Mahagnichit Yajwa, will be performing the Sri Trishahasraagni Yukta Samudha Poundareeka Yagam from 12th February 2025 to 14th March 2025 at the Premises of Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswati Maha Swami Devasthanam, Nunna, Chinna Kanchi, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
This Mahaa Soma Yagam is one of the rarest and most elaborate Vedic rituals, performed for universal peace, prosperity, timely rains, and the well-being of all beings. The Poundareeka Yagam is the highest of the Soma Yagas, and its performance in Kali Yuga is extremely rare. The Yajamana has already completed 10 Soma Yagas as prescribed in the Vedas, making him eligible to perform this most sacred Yagam.
The Yagam will conclude with the Shata Rudraabhishekam on Trishahasra Ishtaka bricks arranged in the form of Garuda, followed by Vasordhara (Chamakam) and Anna Daanam throughout the Yagam period.
“तस्मात् सर्वगतं ब्रह्म नित्यं यज्ञे प्रतिष्ठितम्” — (Bhagavad Gita 3.15)*
Lord Krishna declares that the entire world is sustained by Yajñas. The passage highlights that the Soma Yāga is a nitya karma (eternal duty) for qualified individuals, where offerings to the Devata-s result in blessings for all of creation. Just as the expertise of a few doctors can heal society, the Yajña performed by a few knowledgeable Ritvik-s benefits the entire world by ensuring rainfall, abundance of food, health, prosperity, wisdom, and overall well-being. Supporting such Yajñas is both a spiritual duty and a means of contributing to the welfare of humanity and nature.
Devotees are invited to contribute to this divine cause and seek the blessings of Yagneswara and the Jagadgurus. The yagas are ongoing, and only a few days are left for us to do our mite and participate in this great initiative for loka-kshema, and earn shreyas! Those desirous of donating can either donate via Sethubandhanam or directly to the accounts mentioned in the appeals.